The Church and Migration: Global In-Difference? 🗓

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Scheduled Veranstaltungen

1. About the Conference The topic of the conference will be:

The Church and Migration: Global In-Difference? This will be twelfth international gathering of the Ecclesiological Investigations International Research Network The conference will take place in Toronto, 25-27 June 2018

2. Call for Papers “I have repeatedly expressed my particular concern for the lamentable situation of many migrants and refugees fleeing from war, persecution, natural disasters and poverty. This situation is undoubtedly a “sign of the times”…” – Pope Francis The plight of refugees and migrants is perhaps the single greatest issue facing our world today.

We live in a time when the migration of peoples, for the vast majority journeys and displacement forced upon them by external circumstances, has never been a situation of greater urgency: demanding that churches, faith communities and all people of good will explore the root causes of such migration, the implications and outcomes of mass human movement and the potential strategies and courses of action to help alleviate the most acute situations readily, as well as ensuring just and equitable policies and laws are implemented both within and across nations to safeguard the rights and futures of all migrants, refugees, displaced peoples and itinerant peoples.

This conference seeks to bring together scholars, practitioners and leaders from around the globe to examine the relationship between the Church and Migration: historically, in our times and prospects for the future. We seek to explore the stories of those affected, the journeys they have undertaken, the ways in which churches and other religious communities, as well as secular organizations and societies, have sought to welcome them – and otherwise. And we will explore the key issues and challenges at stake, the key initiatives and documentary engagements with migration and ways in which we can learn from the past in both positive and critical ways alike. Organizers invite papers/panels related to the broad theme of migrants and refugees.

Paper and panel proposals will explore one on the following dimensions of migration: § Political and social: conflict, displacement, economic, environmental, policies, legal, trafficking, cultural diversity, tolerance, rise of racism of intolerance, neo-nationalism, NGOs and Trans-national Agencies, etc. § Pastoral Approaches: Ecumenical, Interfaith, Ministry to and by Migrants and Refugees, Collaboration with NGO and Secular agencies etc. § Theology: Methodology, Ecclesiology, Ethics, Hospitality, Inculturation, Multiple religious and ethnic belonging, Violence, etc.

Individual papers should be no more than 20 minutes Panels of 1.5 hours may be proposed and should have no less than 3 speakers Paper proposals should be 500 words and include your name and institutional affiliation. Panel proposals may be up to 750 words and include the names and institutional affiliations of all presenters.

Send proposals by email to: by Feb 1, 2018.

3. Registration Registration details will be announced soon.

4. Sponsors: Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Ecclesiological Investigations International Research Network, Emmanuel College, Dominican Institute of Toronto, Georgetown University, Pontifical Scalabrinian Institute for the Study of Human Mobility, Regis College, Trinity College, Tübingen University, University of St Michael’s College.