World Student Christian Federation
International Ecumenical Student Meeting
26 August – 1 September 2012
Berlin, Germany
Diversity may be an opportunity but how can we live side-by-side and appreciate our differences? The SCM Germany invites you to the Ecumenical Student Meeting taking place in Berlin. The working title “Diversity as a Chance” will be the starting point of our discussion.
What is a minority?
Which minorities can be found in our countries?
What are their rights?
What are their legal status?
What is the historical view on minorities?
For the International Ecumenical Student Meeting students from all parts of Europe will gather to discuss the topics of diversity and minorities. The main aim of the meeting will be to facilitate exchanges between students from different European countries. Practicing and testing different methods of international work and intercultural communication will also be part of the meeting.
The working language will be English. Up to 30 students from Europe – sent by their local Student Christian Movement are warmly welcome.
Participation fee:
For Western-Europeans & students from “old” EU members: 60 €;
For Students from Central Europe (Baltic States, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia): 40 €;
For Students from Eastern and South Eastern Europe: 20 €;
Deadline for Applications: 15 May 2012
Please see the attached Call for Participants and Application form for full details. If you have any questions please contact ESG Evangelische StudentInnengemeinde and view their website.