LWFYouth – Creative Competition on Reformation

Reformation jubilee 2017

The 500th anniversary of the reformation remembers a major change effort carried out by people who listened to the Word of God, questioned themselves and their context and were courageous  to stand up for change. Young Christians today look for places and churches where this impetus of the reformation is present – and not just maintenance of tradition. As an ecclesia semper reformanda, we are a church that needs constant reformation.

Your Idea

“What reformation do we need today and how can it be achieved?”

Choose one main answer or idea you have on this question.   It can be as free as you like. Explain and present it in a creative way to the internet community, for example as a text, video, song, speech, picture. It should not be longer than 1 A4 page or 5 minutes video.

Your contribution

will become the start for the “Global Young Reformers network”

This Network will be launched in 2014 and aims to build a strong network among young people and meaningful contributions for the Lutheran churches. It will be built by young Lutherans within the context of reformatory heritage, Lutheran identity and today’s global connectivity.

Your Chance

Contribute your ideas to the global community and be invited to Wittenberg for one week!

You will become a creative advisor for the planning committee of the “Global Young Reformers Network”. This group of 7 young Lutherans from all over the world will prepare global Lutheran youth activities until 2017. You are fully invited to join their first meeting in Wittenberg in autumn 2013. You will get to know the city, reformation history and stay with an international youth group.

Your application

  • Fill in the online application 
  • Send your full presentation to lwfyouth(at)lutheranworld.org until June 25, 2013
  • The first Jury in the LWF Communion Office will select the 15 most convincing entries that will be presented online.
  • The internet audience of the LWF Youth will online vote for the best two entries until July 30.
  • The two winners will be informed in early August to participate in the Young Reformers Network Steering group in Wittenberg as creative advisors

More information here: Creative Competition for the Global Young Reformers Network

We wish you good luck and great, meaningful, inspiring and convincing ideas!

